Early Career Framework (ECF)
Approximately 60% of Bradford schools have registered to engage with the Early Career Framework (ECF) from September 2020.
Bradford is an early roll-out area for Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) and Recently Qualified Teachers (RQT) support. The ECF is a key feature of the government’s Recruitment and Retention Strategy. The ECF includes sections on behaviour management, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment, and professional behaviours.
Schools who opt in can access a professional development support package for their NQTs which includes:
- funded 5%-time off timetable for the early career teacher in the second year of teaching
- a range of high-quality, freely available curricula and training materials underpinned by the Early Career Framework
- funded training for NQTs and mentors of NQTs
- funded time for mentors to support NQTs
There will be no changes to statutory induction during the first year of early rollout. The development support package will last for 2 years but statutory induction during early rollout will continue to last for one year. After one year, NQTs will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards to determine whether they have passed induction. There is no change to the present arrangements.
Four providers are offering the ECF in Bradford: Ambition Institute; Education Development Trust; Teach First; and UCL. Each provider is working with local partners to develop their offer.
Schools employing NQTs from September 2020 are encouraged to register with one provider in order to engage with the early roll-out. Please note: Schools register with a provider not the NQT.
To support schools to make a decision on which provider they wish to partner with, Bradford Teaching School Hub and Bradford for Teaching hosted a webinar for school and trust leaders. A recording of this event is available; it introduced the ECF and each provider presents for 10 minutes on the unique features of their programme. The recording and marketing materials are available via the following links: