Dear Colleagues,
We hope are you are all well as we approach the end of another busy half-term. Please see below important messages from the Hub Team.
Teaching School Hub Vacancy:
Due to expansion, Exceed Teaching School Hub is seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and dynamic Deputy Director of Exceed Teaching School Hub. To apply or find out more details please visit:
Appropriate Body Reforms:
Recent outcomes and updates about ECT Appropriate Body reforms outline that as of September 2024 Local Authorities will cease to operate as ABs by September 2024 and cannot register any new starters from September 2023.
Consequently, as of September 2024 Teaching School Hubs will become the main provider of AB services. Any schools who access AB services through a local authority will need to ensure that from September 2023 they register all new ECTs with a Teaching school Hub Appropriate Body. Exceed Teaching School Hub is established and in its second year of providing this service at scale and are currently working closely with the local authority to ensure that schools that choose to access our service going forward encounter a smooth transition and are very well-supported.
Early Career Teacher Programme:
Following DfE updates we have been informed that significant improvements are being made to digital services that school leaders use to register ECTs. These will aim to ensure the registration process is simplified with schools being able to make amendments and changes themselves. Once modifications to the portal are confirmed we will provide updates and training for all Induction Leads accordingly.
We are delighted to have 189 teachers on-boarded to access NPQs for our February 2023 cohort, Conferences for all 7 programmes commence this month.
As always if you have any queries don't hesitate to email
Emma Dobson
Director of Exceed Teaching School Hub