Progression across frameworks

In 2019, the Department for Education (DfE) published the Recruitment and Retention Strategy (DfE, 2019). Commencing with the early roll-out of the Early Career Framework (ECF) in selected regions, including Bradford, and the introduction of the new Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Core Content Framework from September 2020, the government began to transform the training and support for teachers at all stages of their career. The Early Career Framework (ECF) will be rolled out nationally from September 2021, coinciding with the introduction of a two-year Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) induction period. At the same time, a revised suite of leadership and new specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) and New Headteacher Programme will be introduced.
The government intends these programmes to provide “the golden thread from initial teacher training to school leadership, rooting teacher and leadership development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession”.
A timeline of the reforms is available for download here.
Introducing the frameworks
ITT Core Content Framework
The Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Core Content Framework defines in detail the minimum entitlement of all trainee teachers. The ITT Core Content Framework aligns with the Early Career Framework to establish an entitlement to a 3 or more-year structured package of support for all new teachers at the start of their careers. Read an introduction to the framework here.
Statutory induction of Early Career Teachers (ECT)
From September 2021, the statutory period of induction for early career teachers will increase to two years. The period will be underpinned by an entitlement to a two-year programme of structured training and development underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF). Teaching school hubs will become an Appropriate Body to quality assure the induction period.
Early Career Framework (ECF)
The Early Career Framework (ECF) underpins an entitlement to a fully funded, two-year package of structured training and support for early career teachers linked to the best available research evidence. The package of reforms will ensure new teachers have dedicated time set aside to focus on their development. The ECF has been designed around how to support all pupils to succeed and seeks to widen access for all. The ECF underpins what all early career teachers should be entitled to learn about and learn how to do based on expert guidance and the best available research evidence. As is the case for other professions, areas covered in initial training will be covered in greater depth as teachers continue on their journey to becoming experts.
The DfE has committed to providing additional funding for:
- a 5% timetable reduction for teachers in their second year of teaching
- Early Career Framework (ECF) programmes
- time for mentors and mentor training
Specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)
The three new specialist NPQs, available from Autumn 2021, will be:
- NPQ for Leading Teaching: For teachers who may have responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase
- NPQ for Leading Behaviour: For teachers who may have responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school
- NPQ for Leading Teacher Development: For teachers who may have responsibility for leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically teachers who are early in their career
You can download or view detailed overviews of the NPQ frameworks here.
Leadership National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)
The reformed leadership NPQs, available from Autumn 2021, will be:
- NPQ for Senior Leadership (NPQSL): For leaders that are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities
- NPQ for Headship (NPQH): For leaders that are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibilities for leading a school
- NPQ for Executive Leadership (NPQEL): For leaders that are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or a multi-academy trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools
It should be noted that the NPQ for Middle Leadership (NPQML) will no longer be available. The specialist NPQs will replace this.
You can download or view detailed overviews of the NPQ frameworks here.
New Headteacher Programme
This two-year package of structured support, available from Autumn 2021, will be based on the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession. It will complement the reformed NPQ for Headship. Neither programme will be mandatory but headteachers and heads of school will be encouraged to undertake both.
Delivery of the Strategy
In August 2021, the current teaching school initiative will come to an end. Teaching schools will be superseded by one teaching school hub that will support all schools, regardless of type or phase, in their region. Copthorne Primary School, part of Exceed Academies Trust, is the lead school of the teaching school hub for Bradford and schools in other regions who wish to access support from the hub. It operates under the name of Bradford Teaching School Hub.
Since January 2020, DfE has established a ‘test and learn’ phase of six accredited teaching school hubs, including Bradford Teaching School Hub, in advance of a national network of 87 hubs by September 2021. These hubs will be at the forefront of providing high-quality professional development, including playing a significant role in:
- Delivering the Early Career Framework (ECF)
- Delivering the new specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQ), leadership NPQs and New Headteacher Programme
- Delivering school-based Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
- Quality assuring the statutory induction of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT) as an Appropriate Body
- Promoting and delivering other high-quality evidence-based professional development
During 2020-21, DfE is undertaking procurement exercises for national lead providers for the Early Career Framework (ECF); National Professional Qualifications (NPQ); and New Headteacher Programme. There is a requirement for successful applicants to partner with teaching school hubs for the delivery of these programmes. The procurement of behaviour hubs commenced in September 2020.